Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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whereas righteous beings from fourth to seventh Gunasthan as well as 5 the unrighteous beings acquire bondage of Ayushya karma only at the 41
allotted time as aforesaid otherwise not. As regards righteousunrighteous beings, they do not acquire bondage of Ayushya karma in absence of intent of effort.
(8) Sanjni dvar-A being endowed with fully developed mental faculty (manah-paryapti) is called sanjni. A detached sanjni (sentient) being does not acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma whereas a sentient being with attachment acquires bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma. that is why it is said that sentient beings sometimes acquire 4 bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma and sometimes not. However, nonsentient (asanjni) beings or those devoid of fully developed faculty of mind necessarily acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma. No-sanjnino-asanjni (not sentient, not non-sentient) beings have three categories-Sayogi Kevali, Ayogi Kevali, and Siddha. As they are above any cause of this bondage they do not acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma (knowledge obscuring karma). Besides Ayogi Kevali and Siddha all other sentient and non-sentient beings acquire bondage of Vedaniya
karma (sensation producing karma). Sentient and non-sentient beings fi acquire bondage of Ayushya karma (life-span determining karma) in
aforesaid manner. No-sanjni-no-asanjni do not acquire bondage of Ayushya karma (life-span determining karma).
(9) Bhavasiddhik dvar-Vitaraag Bhavasiddhik (detached ones destined to be liberated) beings do not acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma (knowledge obscuring karma) whereas Saraag Bhavasiddhik (destined to be liberated but having attachment) beings acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma. That is why it is said that Bhavasiddhik (destined to be liberated) beings sometimes acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma and sometimes not. Abhavasiddhik (not destined to be liberated) beings necessarily acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma whereas nobhavasiddhik-noabhavasiddhik beings (Siddhas) do not acquire bondage of Jnanavaraniya karma and other karmas. Bhavasiddhik and abhavasiddhik beings sometimes acquire bondage of Ayushya karma (life-span determining karma) in aforesaid manner and sometimes not.
(10) Darshan dvar-If a chakshudarshani (one with visual perception), achakshudarshani (one without visual perception) or
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