Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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karmas of infernal beings are firmly adhered (gaadhikrit)... and so on up to... they are neither with extensive shedding nor with a noble end (mahaparyavasaan).
(Gautam Swami asked) Bhante! Of these, is the one soaked in the dirt of a wheel easier to wash, easier to make free of stains and easier to make sparkling?
(Bhagavan replied) Yes, Gautam ! In the same way the gross (yathabaadar) karmic particles acquired by ascetics are loosely adhered (shithilikrit; having low intensity of fruition), devoid of potency (nishthitkrit) and transformed (viparinamit; in terms of duration and quality). Therefore, they are destroyed easily and soon. Whatever agony they suffer, ascetics are with extensive shedding of karmas (mahanirjara) and with a noble end (mahaparyavasaan).
(Bhagavan asked) Gautam ! If a person throws a bundle of hay (trinahastak) in blazing fire, is that bundle of hay not aflame at once and soon consumed by that fire?
(Gautam replied) Yes, Bhante! It is aflame at once and soon consumed by that fire.
(Bhagavan said) Gautam ! In the same way the gross (yathabaadar) karmas of ascetics are soon destroyed... and so on up to... these ascetics are with extensive shedding of karmas (mahanirjara) and with a noble end (mahaparyavasaan).
That is why it is said that one with extensive pain (mahavedana) is also with extensive shedding of karmas (mahanirjara)... and so on up to... one with extensive shedding of karmas superior.
विवेचन : महावेदना और महानिर्जरा-कर्म की दो अवस्थाएँ होती हैं- गाढीकृत और शिथिलीकृत । गाढीकृत अवस्था में अधिक कष्ट सहने पर भी निर्जरा अल्प होती है, जबकि शिथिलीकृत अवस्था अल्प कष्ट सहने पर भी निर्जरा अधिक होती है।
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Also, if some person pours a drop of water on a red-hot iron platen or pan it at once evaporates. Gautam ! In the same way the gross karmas of ascetics are soon destroyed... and so on up to... these ascetics are with 457 extensive shedding of karmas and with a noble end.
भगवान ने कीचड़ से रंगे और खंजन से रंगे, वस्त्र के दृष्टान्त द्वारा बताया है जो महावेदना वाले होते हैं, वे सभी महानिर्जरा वाले नहीं होते। जैसे नारक महावेदना वाले होते हैं, परन्तु वे उसे समभाव से न सहकर फ रो-रोकर, विलाप करते हुए सहते हैं, जिससे वह महावेदना महानिर्जरा रूप नहीं होती, बल्कि अल्पतर, 卐
छठा शतक : प्रथम उद्देशक
Sixth Shatak: First Lesson 5575