Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 02 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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आर्य ! यदि कालादेश से भी समस्त पुद्गल सार्द्ध, समध्य और सप्रदेश हैं, तो तुम्हारे मतानुसार एक
समय की स्थिति वाला पुद्गल भी सार्द्ध, समध्य और सप्रदेश होना चाहिए। इसी प्रकार भावादेश से भी 5 ॐ हे आर्य ! सभी पुद्गल यदि सार्द्ध, समध्य और सप्रदेश हैं, तो तदनुसार एकगुण काला पुद्गल भी तुम्हें म सार्द्ध, समध्य और सप्रदेश मानना चाहिए। यदि आपके मतानुसार ऐसा नहीं है, तो फिर आपने जो यह ॥
कहा था कि द्रव्यादेश से भी सभी पुद्गल सार्द्ध, समध्य और सप्रदेश हैं, क्षेत्रादेश से भी उसी तरह हैं,
कालादेश से और भावादेश से भी उसी तरह हैं, किन्तु वे अनर्द्ध, अमध्य और अप्रदेश नहीं हैं, इस 卐 प्रकार का आपका यह कथन मिथ्या हो जाता है।"
5. At this ascetic Nirgranthiputra further asked ascetic Narad-putra“O noble one ! If in your view, in context of substance (dravyadesh), all pudgalas (particles of matter and their aggregates) are with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and with sections (sa-pradesh), then in your view is ultimate particle of matter (paramanu pudgala) too with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and with sections (sapradesh), and not without halves (an-ardh), without a middle (a-madhya) and without sections (a-pradesh)? And, O noble one! If in your view, in 45 context of area (kshetradesh), all pudgalas (particles of matter and their aggregates) are with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and
(sa-pradesh), then in your view matter occupying point should also be with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and with sections (sa-pradesh). And then, O noble one ! If in context of time (kaaladesh), all pudgalas (particles of matter and their aggregates) are with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and with sections (sa-pradesh), then in your view matter with an existence of one Samaya should also be with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and with sections (sa-pradesh). In the same way, O noble one! If in context of state
all nudgalas (particles of matter and their aggregates) are with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and with sections
(sa-pradesh), then in your view matter with one unit of blackness should i also be with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and with
sections (sa-pradesh). However, if in your opinion it is not so then your assertion that in context of substance (dravyadesh) all pudgalas (particles of matter and their aggregates) are with halves (sa-ardh), with a middle (sa-madhya) and with sections (sa-pradesh); the same also holds good for all pudgalas (particles of matter and their aggregates) in context of area (kshetradesh), in context of time (kaaladesh) as well as in context of state (bhaavadesh); but not without halves (an-ardh), without a middle (a-madhya) and without sections (a-pradesh) becomes wrong.
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