भगवती सूत्रम्, शः ७ उः ३१
A. 9. Gautama ! One who bas exhausted or tranquilised karma enshrouding faith (darsana) derives, without hearing, pure enlightenment ; one who has not exhausted or tranqui. lised karma enshrouding fai h does not. Such is the reason.
__ प्रश्न १०-असोच्चा णं भंते ! केवलिस्स वा जाव...तप्पक्खियउवासियाए वा केवलं मुंडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं पव्वएज्जा ?
Q. 10. Bhante ! Does one without hearing from an omniscient personality, till the female devotee of one who is self-enlightened, be initiated into the life of a homeless monk by simply renouncing his home and tonsuring his head ?
__ उत्तर १०-गोयमा ! असोच्चा णं केवलिस्स वा जाव...उवासियाए वा अत्यगइए केवलं मुंडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं पव्वएज्जा अत्थेगइए केवलं मुंडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं णो पव्वएज्जा ।
A. 10. Gautama! Some may be so initiated while some •others may not.
प्रश्न ११-से केणठेणं जाव...णो पव्वएज्जा ?
Q. 11. not ?
Bhante !
What is the reason, till some others may
उतर ११ --गोयमा ! जस्स णं धम्मंतराइयाणं कम्माणं खओवसमे कडे भवइ से णं असोच्चा केवलिस्स वा जाव...केवलं मुंडे भवित्ता अगाराओ अणगारियं पव्वएज्जा। जस्स णं धम्मंतराइयाणं कम्माणं खओवसमे णो कडे भवइ से णं असोच्चा केवलिस्स वा जाव...मुंडे भवित्ता जाव...णो पव्वएज्जा। से तेणठेणं गोयमा ! जाव...णो पव्वएज्जा।
A. 11. Gautama ! One who has exhausted or tranquilised karma obstructing the fulfilment of the Law (in short, obstructing conduct) may, without hearing, be initiated into monkhood if he renounces his home and undergoes a tonsure ; but this does not hold in the case of one who has not exhausted or tranquilised th: aforesaid karma. Such is the reason.