Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 9 Ch. 33
तएणं तं जमालि खत्ति यकुमारं अम्मापियरो एवं वयासी-इमाओ य ते जाया! विपुलकुलबालियाओ सरिसियाओ सरित्तयाओ सरिव्वयाओ सरिसलावण्णरूवजोव्वणगुणोववेयाओ सरिसएहितो कुलेहितो आणिएल्लियाओ कलाकुसलसव्वकाललालियसुहोचियाओ मद्दवगुणजुत्तणि उणविणओवयारपंडियवियक्खणाओ मंजुलमियमहुरभणियविहसियविप्पेक्खियगइविलासचिट्टियविसारयाओ अविकलकुलसीलसालिणीओ विसुद्धकुलवंससंताणतंतुवद्धणप्पगब्भवयभाविणीओ मणाणुकूलहियइच्छियाओ अट्ठ तुज्झ गुणवल्लहाओ उत्तमाओ णिच्चं भावाणुरत्तसव्वंगसुदरीओ भारियाओ। तं भुजाहि ताव जाया ! एयाहिं सद्धि विउले माणुस्सए कामभोंगे। तओ पच्छा भुत्तभोगी विसयविगयवोच्छिण्णकोउहल्ले अम्हेहिं कालगएहिं जाव...पव्वइहिसि ।
Parents replied, “Dear boy ! Here you have your eight wives, all born in noble families, who have attained their youth. They are alike in grace, alike in age, alike in beauty and grace, full of merit, very worthy of you. They have been brought here from similar families. They are proficient in arts and fit to be taken care of and kept in comfort all the while. They are tender, skilled and polite, sweet and delightful, measured in speech, graceful in laugh, sight, movement and in their daily life. They are endowed with good conduct and good connections, capable with their youth and vitality to enrich the family they have joined. They have love in theirtmind, affection in their heart, dear and bracing all the while devoted to you. With such loving wives, you should enjoy human life in all respects. So long as your body has grace, luck, youth and possibility, you make full use of it."
तएणं से जमाली खत्तियकुमारे अम्मापियरो एवं वयासी-तहा वि णं तं अम्मयाओ! जं णं तुम्भे मम एयं वयह-इमाओ ते जाया ! विपुलकुल जाव...पव्वइहिसि । एवं खलु अम्मयाओ ! माणुस्सगा कामभोगा असुई असासया वंतासवा पित्तासवा खेलासवा सुक्कासवा सोणियासवा उच्चारपासवणखेलसिंघाणगवंतपित्तपूयसुक्कसोणियसमुभवा. अमणु ण्णदुरूवमुत्तपूइयपुरिसपुण्णा मयगंधुस्सासअसुभणिस्सासउब्वेयणगा बीभत्था अप्पकालिया लहुसगा कलमलाहियासदुक्खबहुजणसाहारणा परिकिलेसकिच्छदुक्खसज्झा अबुह