भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उ ३३ उत्तर ७०- गोयमा ! जे इमे जीवा आयरियपडिणीया उवज्झायपडिणीया कुलपडिणीया गणपडिणीया संघपडिणीया आयरियउवज्झायाणं अयसकरा अवण्णकरा अकित्तिकरा बाहिं असब्भावुब्भावणाहिं मिच्छत्ताभिणिवेसेहि य अप्पाणं परं च तदुभयं च वुग्गाहेमाणा वुप्पाएमाणा बहूई वासाई सामण्णपरियागं पाउणंति पाउणित्ता तस्स ठाणस्स अणालोइयपडिक्कता कालमासे कालं किच्चा अण्णयरेसु देवकिग्विसिएसु देवकिग्विसियत्ताए उववत्तारो भवंति तं जहा-तिपलिओवमट्ठिइएसु वा तिसागरोवमट्ठिइएसु वा तेरससागरोवमट्ठिइएसु वा।
____ A. 70. Gautama ! Those who are hostile to the ācārya, the teacher, kula, gana and the order, who speak ill of the åcårya and the teacher, cast aspersion on them, spread calumny about them, who teach false doctrines, who plant themselves, others, themselves and others, into wrong faith and misguide, though such ones live as monks, but die without confession and atonement, are born as kilvişika gods, of which three types according to their lifespan has been stated before.
प्रश्न ७१–देवकिब्विसिया णं भंते ! ताओ देवलोगाओ आउक्खएणं भवक्खएणं ठिइक्खएणं अणंतरं चयं चइत्ता कहिं गच्छंति कहिं उववज्जति ?
__Q. 71. Bhante ! When these kilvisika gods exhaust their life-span, existence and stay in that particular species, where do they go, where are they reborn ?
उत्तर ७१-- गोयमा ! जाव...चत्तारि पंच णेरइयतिरिवखजोणियमणुस्सदेवभवग्गहणाइं संसारं अणुपरियट्टित्ता तओ पच्छा सिझंति बुझंति जाव... अंतं करेंति। अत्थेगइया अणाईयं अणवदग्गं दीहमद्धं चाउरंतसंसारकतारं अणुपरियट्टति ।
A. 71. Gautama ! Some of them pass through four or five more lives in the hells, in the worlds of animals or of men, or in the heavens, after which they are perfected, enlightened and enter into liberation, while others continue to glide back and forth into one or the other of the four forms of existence in this vast wilderness that worldy life is, eternal, infinite and vast.