Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 9 Ch. 33
for a patient, (14) food prepared for beggars on a rainy day, (15) food prepared for guests, (16) food from the house where the monk is lodged, (17) food prepared for a monarch, etc. Besides, a nirgrantha monk is forbidden to take roots, trunk of a tree, fruits, seeds or green vegetables. Dear son ! You are fit to enjoy the pleasures of life, and not to tread on the path of sorrow. You are not meant to bear hardships like heat, cold, hunger. thirst, thieves, animals, drones, mosquitoes, and sundry diseases, and pains generated by them. Besides, our dear child, we cannot bear separation from you even for a moment. So we request you to stay at home so long as we are alive, and when we are no more, you are free to join the holy order."
तएणं से जमाली खत्तियकुमारे अम्मापियरो एवं वयासी-तहा वि णं तं अम्मयाओ! जं णं तुब्भे ममं एवं वयह एवं खलु जाया ! णिग्गंथे पावयणे सच्चे अणुत्तरे केवले तं चेव जाव...पव्वइहिसि। एवं खलु अम्मयाओ! णिग्गंथे पावयणे कीवाणं कायराणं कापुरिसाणं इहलोगपडिवद्धाणं परलोगपरंमुहाणं विसयतिसियाणं दुरणुचरे पागयजणस्स। धीरस्स णिच्छियस्स ववसियस्स णो खलु एत्थं किंचि वि दुक्करं करणयाए। तं इच्छामि णं अम्मयाओ! तुभेहिं अब्भणुग्णाए समाणे समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स जाव...पव्वइत्तए। ___Jamali said, "My dear parents! I fully agree with you about what you have said about the nirgrantha monks and the hardships borne. The practice of restraint is indeed difficult for the wretched, the miserable and the weak, for addicts to mundane life who know not the life ahead, and who are, therefore, immersed in the enjoyment of the socalled pleasures. But I am sure, it is not difficult for those who are steady, powerful, determined and daring. So please permit me."
तएणं तं जमालि खत्तियकुमारं अम्मापियरो जाहे णो संचाएंति विसयाणुलोमाहिं य विसयपडिकूलाहि य बहूहिं आघवणाहि य पण्णवणाहि य आधवित्तए वा जाव...विण्णवित्तए वा ताहे अकामाई चेव जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स णिक्खमणं अणुमण्णित्था ।