भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उ: ३३
flowers spread over his lead, fanned by a pair of white camaras, surrounded by horses, elephants, chariots and bards and a four-fold army, he was at the rear of the procession. There were noble horses of good breed preceding Jamālikumār, noble elephants on both his sides and rows of chariots in the rear. Thus the procession started with the display of grandeur, till resounding with the sound of musical instruments. There were many men in his front carrying jars and plam leaves. There followed in the rear many men with pole's, javelines, texts, till vīņā. Next to them moved 108 elephants, 108 horses and 108 chariots. Next to them were
many men on foot with poles, javelines and swords. Next to them walked princes, wealthy men, talavars, till rich merchants. Moving through the city of Ksatriyakuņda, the procession proceed towards Vahuśālaka park outside the city where was camped Bhagavān Mahāvira with his monks.
तएणं तस्स जमालिस्स खत्तियकुमारस्स खत्तियकुंडग्गामं णयरं मज्झमझेणं णिग्गच्छमाणस्स सिंघाडगतियचउक्क जाव...पहेसु बहवे अत्थत्थिया जहा उववाइए जाव...अभिणंदिया य अभित्थुणंता य एवं वयासी-जय जय णंदा ! धम्मेणं जय जय गंदा ! तवेणं जय जय गंदा ! भदं ते अभग्गेहिं णाणदसणचरित्तमुत्तमेहिं अजियाइं जिणाहिः इंदियाई जीयं च पालेहि समणधम्म । जियविग्घो विय वसाहि तं देव ! सिद्धिमझे णिहणाहि य रागदोसमल्ले तवेणं धिइधणियवद्धकच्छे मद्दाहि य अट्ठ कम्मसत्तू झाणेणं उत्तमेणं सुक्केणं अप्पमत्तो हराहि आराहणपडागं च धीर! तेलोक्करंगम में पावय वितिमिरमणुत्तरं केवलं च णाणं गच्छ य मोक्खं परं पदं जिणवरोवदिट्ठणं सिद्धिमग्गेणं अकुडिलेणं हंता परीसहचम अभिभविय गामकंटकोवसग्गाणं धम्मे ते अदिग्धमत्थ-त्ति कट्ट अभिणंदंति य अभिOणंति य ।
o As the procession passed through the streets, triangles, squares, highways, in the city, many an indigent person .. flocked in the expectation of receiving treasures and desired objects. They hailed him and praised him and said, "Oh giver of joy! Attain ye victory through the spiritual path. Attain ye victory through penance. ...We. wish you well. Thou conquereth the uncontrollable sense organs with the purest knowledge, faith and conduct and proceedeth unhindered on the