भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उः ३३ बहवे उग्गा भोगा जाव...अप्पेगइया वंदणवत्तियं जाव...णिग्गच्छंति। तएणं से जमाली खत्तियकुमारे कंचुइपुरिसस्स अंतियं एवं अट्ट सोच्चा णिसम्म हट्टतुट्ठ जाव...कोडुवियपुरिसे सद्दावेइ। सद्दावेत्ता एवं वयासी-खिप्पामेव भो देवाणुप्पिया ! चाउग्घंटं आसरहं जुत्तामेव उवट्ठवेह उवट्ठवेत्ता मम एयमाणत्तियं पच्चप्पिणह । तएणं ते कोडुवियपुरिसा जमालिणा खत्तियकुमारेण एवं वुत्ता समाणा जाव...पच्चप्पिणंति ।
When he heard from his mansion the noise and movement of a multitude of men, Jamāli said unto himself, "What's the matter today? Are they celebrating the Indra festival, or Skanda festival, Vasudeva festival, nāga festival, yaksa festival, spirit festival, well festival, tank festival, river festival, canal festival, mountain festival, tree festival, caitya festival, mound festival or any other, so that people from the lines of Ugra, Bhoga, Rājanya, Ikşvāku, Jnāts, Kuru and all others, have, after taking their bath, come out en masse ?” Then he made enquiries from his attendant who ascertained the reason, till made sure of the arrival of Bhagavān Mahāvira, came back, and gave the following report to his master : "Oh beloved of the gods ! Today there is no Indra festival, or any other, but Bhagavān Mahāvīra has arrived at the Vahuśālaka park and is duly encamped there. So the kşatriyas from the lines of Ugra, etc., are all on their way thither to pay their homage and obeisance to the worthy soul.” Having heard these words, Jamāli was highly delighted and pleased. He called forth his men and said unto them, "Oh beloved of the gods ! Please arrange at once my horse-drawn. chariot with four bells and bring it hither and report to me,” The men carried out the order and reported.
तएणं से जमालिखत्तियकूमारे जेणेव मज्जणघरे तेणेव उवागच्छइ तेणेव उवागच्छित्ता पहाए कयबलिकम्मे जाव...उववाइए परिसावण्णओ तहा भाणियव्वं जाव...चंदणोकिण्णगायसरीरे सव्वालंकार विभूसिए मज्जणघराओ पडिणिक्खमइ मज्जणघराओ पडिणिक्खमित्ता जेणेव बाहिरिया उवट्ठाणसाला जेणेव चाउगघंटे आसरहे तेणेव उवागच्छइ तेणेव उवागच्छित्ता चाउग्घंट आसरहं दुरूहइ चाउग्घंटं आसरहं दुरूहित्ता सकोरंटमल्लदामेणं छत्तेणं धरिज्जमाणेणं महयाभडचडकरपहकरवंदपरिखित्ते खत्तियकुंडग्गामे णयरे