भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उ: ३३
Having heard the sermon, Jamāli was highly delighted and pleased, till he stood up and moved round him thrice, till submitted as follows : “Bhante ! I have respect for the tenets of the Nirgranthas. I have faith in these tenets, I have taste for them. I am ready to follow them. They are true, authoritative, true for all times. Oh beloved of the gods ! Having taken the permission of my parents, I intend to give up my life as a householder and get tonsured and initiated at your hands in your order of monks." On hearing these words, Bhagavān MahāvIra said, “Oh beloved of the gods ! Do as it may please you, but dealy not.”
तएणं से जमाली खत्तियकुमारे समणेणं भगवया महावीरेणं एवं वुत्ते समाणे हट्टतुट्टे समणं भगवं महावीरं तिक्खुत्तो जाव...णमंसित्ता तामेव चाउग्घंट आसरहं दुरूहेइ दुरूहित्ता समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स अंतियाओ बहुसालाओ चेइयाओ पडिणिक्खमइ पडिणिक्खमित्ता सकोरंट जाव...धरिज्जमाणे णं महयाभडचडगर जाव...परिक्खित्ते जेणेव खत्तियकुंडग्गामे णयरे तेणेव उवागच्छइ उवागच्छित्ता खत्तियकुंडग्गामं णयर मझमज्झेणं जेणेव सए गेहे जेणेव बाहिरिया उवट्ठाणसाला तेणेव उवागच्छइ उवागच्छित्ता तुरए णिगिण्हइ णिगिण्हित्ता रहं ठवेइ ठवित्ता रहाओ पच्चोरुहइ रहाओ पच्चोरुहित्ता जेणेव अभिंतरिया उवट्ठाणसाला जेणेव अम्मापियरो तेणेव उवागच्छइ उवागच्छित्ता अम्मापियरो जएणं विजएणं वद्धावेइ जएणं विजएणं वद्धावित्ता एवं वयासीएवं खलु अम्मयाओ ! मए समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स अंतियं धम्मे णिसंते से वि य मे धम्मे इच्छिए पडिच्छिए अभिरुइए। तएणं तं जमालि खत्तियकुमारं अम्मापियरो एवं वयासी-धण्णे सि णं तुम जाया ! कयत्थे सि णं तुमं जाया ! कयपुण्णे सि णं तुम जाया ! कयलक्खणे सि णं तुम जाया ! जं णं तुमे समणस्स भगवओ महावीरस्स अंतियं धम्मे णिसंते से वि य धम्म इच्छिए पडिच्छिए अभिरुइए।
Having obtained the permission, Jamāli was immensely delighted and pleased at heart. He moved thrice round Bhagavān Mahāvīra, paid him his homage and obeisance, till took his seat again on his horse-drawn vehicle fitted with four bells. He came out from the august presence of