भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उ: ३३
What you have said is right", as her husband had done, till, “I want a place in your spiritual order.” Thereon Bhagavan Mahavira initiated her himself and placed her under the guidance of Arya Candanā. Like her husband, she too was an worthy acquisition into the order wherein she planted herself into restraint. She studied the eleven Angas under her preceptress, till ended all misery..
[Jamāli the rebel]
तस्स णं माहणकुंडगामस्स णयरस्सपच्चत्थिमेणं एत्थ णं खत्तियकुंडग्गा मे णामं यरे होत्या । वणओ । तत्थ णं खत्तियकुंङग्गामे णयरे जमाली णामं खत्तियकुमारे परिवसइ । अड्ड े दित्ते जाव ... अपरिभूए उप्पि पासायवरगए फुट्ट - माणेहिं मुइंगमत्थएहिं बत्तीसइबद्धेहिं णाडएहिं णाणाविहवरतरुणीसं उत्तेहि उवणच्चिज्जमाणे उवणचिज्जमाणे उवगिज्जमाणे उवगिज्जमाणे उवलालिज्जमाणे उवलालिज्जमाणे पाउसवासा रत्त सरयहेमंत वसंतगिम्ह पज्जंते छप्पि उऊ जहाविभवेणं माणमाणे कालं गालेमाणे इट्ठे सद्दफरिसरसरूवगंधे पंचविहे माणुस्सए कामभोगे पच्चणुब्भवमाणे विहरइ ।
To the west of Brāhmaṇakunda, there was a city named Kşatriyakunda. Description. In that city, there lived a kṣatriya youth named Jamāli. He was rich, powerful, till fearless. He lived in a fine mansion where mṛdangas were played all the time, where there were many beautiful girls with gracious limbs who danced all the while to impart joy, where eulogies were shouted in his praise all the while, where there was joy everywhere, enjoying comforts provided by the six seasons, pre-rain, rain, autumn, winter, spring and summer, happily passing his time, and enjoying the most coveted of human joys in the form of sound, touch, taste, shape and smell.
तणं खत्तियकुंडग्गामे णयरे सिंघाडगतिकचउक्कचच्चर जाव... .. बहुजण सद्देइ वा जहा उववाइए जाव... एवं पण्णवेइ एवं परूवेइ एवं खलु देवाणुप्पिया ! समणे भगवं महावीरे आइगरे जाव... सव्वण्णु सव्वदरिसी माहणकुंडग्गामस्स यस बहिया बहुसालए चेइए अहापडिरूवं जाव... विहरइ । तं महफ्फलं खलु देवाप्पिया ! तहारूवाणं अरहंताणं भगवंताणं जहा उववाइए जाब ...