भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उ: ३२
महावीर - गंगेया ! सओ णेरइया उक्वज्जंति णो असओ णेरइया उववज्जति । एवं जाव... . वेमाणिया ।
Mahāvīra-Gāngeya ! The existing ones, not the nonexisting, and like this, till the Vaimanikas.
गांगेय -सओ भंते ! णेरइया उव्वट्ट ति असओ णेरइया उब्वट्ट ति ?
Gängeya — Bhante! Do the existing infernal beings die ? Do non-existing infernal beings die ?
महावीर - गंगेया ! सओ रइया उव्वट्टति णो असओ णेरइया उति । एवं जाव... वेमाणिया णवरं जोइसियवेमाणिएसु चयंति
भाणियव्वं ।
Mahāvīra-Gängeya! The existing infernal beings, not the non-existing ones, die, and like this till the Vaimānikas, except that Joytiskas and the Vaimānikas descend.
गांगेय - सओ भंते ! णेरइया उववज्जंति असओ भंते ! णेरइया उववज्जंति सओ असुरकुमारा उववज्जंति जाव... सओ वेमाणिया उववज्जंति असओ वैमाणिया उववज्जंति । सओ णेरइया उव्वट्टं ति असओ रइया उव्वति सओ असुरकुमारा उब्वट्टति जाव... सओ वेमाणिया चयति असओ वेमाणिया चयंति ?
Gängeya-Bhante ! Are the infernal beings born among the existing, or among the non-existing, ones ? Are Asurakumāras born among existing Asurakumāras, or among the non-existing ones ? Till, are the Vaimānikas born among the existing Vaimānikas, or among the non-existing ones? Do the infernal beings die from among the existing, or from among the non-existing, ones? Do Asurakumāras die from among the existing, or from among the non-exiting, ones ? Till, do the Vaimānikas die from among the existing, ones ?