Bhagavati Sūtra Bk. 9 Ch. 31
प्रश्न ४६ -- से णं भंते ! कइसु णाणेसु होज्जा ?
Q. 46. Bhante ! exist ?
In how many types of knowledge docs he
उत्तर ४६ – गोयमा ! तिसु वा चउसु वा होज्जा । तिसु होज्जमाणे तिसु आभिणिबोहियणाणसुयणाणओहिणाणेसु होज्जा । चउसु होज्जमाणे आभिणिबोहियणाणसुयणाणओहिणाणमणपज्जवणाणेसु होज्जा ।
A. 46. Gautama! He exists in three types or four. three, he exits in perceptual, śruta and extra-sensory knowledge ; when four, he exists in perceptual, śruta, extrasensory and psychological.
प्रश्न ४७ से णं भंते! किं सजोगी होज्जा अजोगी होज्जा ?
Q. 47. Bhante ! Is he with, or without, activity
उत्तर ४७ – एवं जोगो उवओगो संघयणं संठाणं उच्चत्तं आउयं च एयाणि सव्वाणि जहा असोच्चाए तहेव भाणियव्वाणि ।
A. 47.
Gautama ! Regarding activity, experience, structure, shape, height and life-span, he is similar to one without hearing.
प्रश्न ४८ - से णं भंते! किं सवेद पुच्छा ?
Bhante ! What about his sex ?
उत्तर ४८ - गोयमा ! सवेदए वा होज्जा अवेदए वा होज्जा ।
A. 48. Gautama ! He may be with, or without, sex.
प्रश्न ४९ – जइ अवेदए होज्जा किं उवसंतवेदए होज्जा खीणवेदए होज्जा ?
Q.49. Bhante! If without sex, is it because of tranquilisation or because of enfeeblement ?