भगवती सूत्रम् शः ९ उः ३१ उत्तर ४४ ---गोयमा ! सोच्चा णं केवलिस्स वा जाव...अत्थेगइए केवलिपण्णत्तं धम्म एवं जा चेव असोच्चाए वत्तव्वया सा चेव सोच्चाए वि भाणियव्वा णवरं अभिलावो सोच्चे ति। सेसं तं चेव णिरवसेसं जाव...जस्स णं मणपज्जवणाणावरणिज्जाणं कम्माणं खओवसमे कडे भवइ जस्स णं केवलणाणावरणिज्जाणं कम्माणं खए कडे भवइ से णं सोच्चा केवलिस्स वा जाव... उवासियाए वा केवलिपण्णत्तं धम्मं लभेज्जा सवणयाए केवलं बोहिं वुज्झेज्जा जाव...केवलणाणं उप्पाडेज्जा।
तस्स णं अट्ठमंअट्टमेणं अणि खित्तेणं तवोकम्मेणं अप्पाणं भावमाणस्स पगइभद्दयाए तहेव जाव...गवेसणं करेमाणस्स ओहिणाणे समप्पज्जइ से णं तेणं ओहिणाणेणं समुप्पण्णणं जहण्णेणं अंगुलस्स असंखेज्जइभागं उक्कोसेणं असंखेज्जाइं अलोए लोयप्पमाणमेत्ताई खंडाइं जाणइ पासइ ।
A. 44. Gautama ! It is possible for some, but not so for some others. Repeat in this case all that has been said about knowledge without, except that in the present case, use the expression on hearing'. The rest verbatim as before, till one who has exhausted karma enshrouding the knowledge of the psychology of others, one who has exhausted karma obstructing supreme knowledge, acquires enlightenment regarding the Law, derives pure enlightenment, till has supreme knowledge.
Such a person practising incessant fasts missing eight meals at a time, on account of his inherent humility, and because of his submission to diverse efforts, ihā-apoha-mārgana-gavesana, comes to acquire extra-sensory knowledge, by dint of which he can know and see from the smallest fraction of a finger in the minimum, till upto innumerable portions of space each as vast as the universe (loka) in the maximum.
प्रश्न ४५-से णं भंते ! कइसु लेस्सासु होज्जा ? Q. 45. Bhante! In how many tinges may he exist ?
उत्तर ४५–गोयमा! छसु लेसासु होज्जा तं जहा कण्हलेस्साए जाव... सुक्कलेस्साए।
A.45. Gautama ! In six, from black, till whitc.