XXVIII. 1. Nowl students shall dwell at their Guru's (spiritual teacher's) house.
2. They shall recite their morning and evening prayers.
3. (A student) shall mutter the morning prayer standing, and the evening prayer sitting.
4. He shall perform twice a day (in the mornings and evenings) the religious acts of sprinkling the ground (round the altar) and of putting fuel on the fire.
5. He must plunge into the waters like a stick.
XXVIII. passim. Ásv. Grihya-s. I, 22; III, 7-9; Gobh. Grihya-s. II, 10, 42-III, 4; Pâr. Grihya-s. II, 4-6; Sânkh. Grihya-s. II, 6, 912; III, 1. - I. Apast. I, 1, 2, I1. - 3. M. II, II; Y. I, 24, 25; Gaut. II, 11. – 4. M. II, 108; Y. I, 25; Âpast. I, 1, 4, 16. – 5. Âpast. I, 1, 2, 30. — 6,7. M. II, 73, 182; Y. I, 27; Âpast. I, 2, 5, 27; I, 1, 4, 23; Gaut. I, 54; II, 29, 30. – 8. M. II, 41-47; Y. I, 29; Apast. I, 1, 2, 33-I, 1, 3, 10; Gaut. I, 15, 16, 22.-9, 10. M. II, 183, 184, 51; Y. I, 29, 31; Apast. I, 1, 3, 25, 32; Gaut. II, 35, 37–39. — 11, 12. M. II, 177-179, &c.; Y. I, 33, &c.; Apast. I, 1, 2, 23-28, &c.; Gaut. II, 13, &c. - 13-23. M. II, 194, 71, 72, 122-124, 195–198 ; Apast. I, 2, 4, 28; I, 2, 5, 12, 23; I, 2, 6, 5-9, 14; Gaut. II, 21, 25-28; I, 52; II, 14. - 17. Y. I, 26. - 24-26. M. II, 199, 200. — 27, 28. M. II, 204; Apast. I, 2, 8, 11, 13. — 29, 30. M. II, 205; Apast. I, 2, 8, 19-21.-31-33. M. II, 208, 209; Apast. I, 2, 7, 28, 30; Gaut. II, 31, 32, -34-36. M. III, 2 ; II, 168. — 37-40. M. II, 169-172; Y. II, 39; Âpast. I, I, 1, 15-17; Gaut. I, 8. — 41. M. II, 219; Apast. I, 1, 2, 31, 32; Gaut. I, 27. — 42. M. II, 245; Y. I, 51; Apast. I, 11, 30, 1; Gaut. IX, 1. - 43-46. M. II, 243, 247, 248; Y. I, 49; Apast. I, 2, 4, 29; Gaut. II, 5-8. — 47. M. II, 249; Gaut. III, 9. — 48–53. M. XI, 121, 123, 124; II, 181, 187, 220. -51, 52. Y. III, 278, 281; Gaut. XXIII, 20.
1. "'I.e.after the performance of the initiation ceremony.' (Nand.)
5. The sense of this injunction, according to Nand., is, that he must not pronounce any bathing Mantras. But more probably it
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