god, the ancient being, you are the highest support of this universe'. You are that which has knowledge, that which is the object of knowledge, you are the highest goal. By you is this universe pervaded, O you of infinite forms! You are the wind, Yama, fire, Varuna, the moon, you Pragå pati, and the great grandsire ? Obeisance be to thee a thousand times, and again and again obeisance to thee! In front and from behind obeisance to thee! Obeisance be to thee from all sides, O you who are all! You are of infinite power, of unmeasured glory; you pervade all, and therefore you are all! Whatever I have said contemptuously,—for instance, 'O Krishna !' 'O Yadava !' O friend!'-thinking you to be (my) friend, and not knowing your greatness (as shown in this (universal form), or through friendliness, or incautiously; and whatever disrespect I have shown you for purposes of merriment, on (occasions of) play, sleep, dinner, or sitting (together), whether alone or in the presence (of friends),-for all that, О undegraded one! I ask pardon of you who are indefinable. You are the father of the world — movable and immovable - you its great and venerable master; there is none equal to you, whence can there be one greater, O you whose power is unparalleled in all the three worlds ? Therefore I bow and prostrate myself, and would propitiate you, the praiseworthy lord. Be pleased,
See p. 94 supra. Here the commentators say the words mcan that in which the universe is placed at deluge-time.'
• Professor Ticle mentions great-grandfather as a name for the Creator anong Kafirs (History of Religion, p. 18). Cf. p. 83 supra.
.l.e. of whom it is impossible to ascertain whether he is such or woch. Cl. p. 94 supra.
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