of sense, (which is) like entering a house without a door’, always meets death, on the exhaustion of the life-winds?, as a fire which is kindled (is extinguished) on the exhaustion of fuel. Granted, that we have connexions with our (respective) qualities, and granted that we have no perception of each other's qualities; still, without us, you have no perception', and so long no happiness can accrue to you.
The Brâhmana said: On this, too, they relate an ancient story, O beautiful one! (showing) of what description is the institution of the five sacrificial priests. The learned know this to be a great principle, that the Prana and the Apâna, and the Udâna, and also the Samâna and the Vyâna, are the five sacrificial priests.
The Brahmana's wife said : My former belief was that the sacrificial priests were seven by (their) nature. State how the great principle is that there are verily five sacrificial priests.
"The senses are the doors of the house here, as they are among the doors of the city at Gitá, p. 65.
• Owing to the want of food, &c. Cf. Maitri, p. 112, and Khândogya, p. 422.
• Perception of pleasure, says Arguna Misra; but he takes the subsequent clause to mean this, and without you no pleasure accrues to us either. The text is here in an unsatisfactory state.
• As stated in the last chapter; some MSS. read your 'formy' at the beginning of the sentence.
• Arguna Misra says that in this Parkahotri-vidhana the five chief Hotris only are stated for briefly explaining the Pranayama.
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