tion, purity, dexterity, valour. He who possesses the piety of concentration of mind, (holding) knowledge to be vain', (good) conduct vain, service vain, and labour vain, he attains the highest in the next world. Devoid of (the notion that this or that is) mine, devoid of egoism, devoid of expectations, equable everywhere, not full of desires, (to be) such is the eternal duty of the good. Confidence, modesty ?, forgiveness, liberality, purity, freedom from laziness, absence of cruelty, freedom froni delusion, compassion to (all) creatures, absence of backbiting, joy. contentment, joviality, humility, good behaviour, purity in all action for (acquiring) tranquillitys, righteous feelings, emancipation', indifference”, life as a Brahmakârin, abandonment on all hands, freedom from (the notion that this or that is) mine, freedom from expectations", unbroken piety?, (holding that) gifts (are) vain, sacrifices vain, learning vain, vows vain, receipt of gists vain, piety vain, penance vain. Those talented Brahmanas in this world, whose conduct is of this description, who adhere to the quality of goodness, abiding in the seat of the Brahmano, perceive (everything) aright. Getting rid of all
"Such is Nilakantha's reading, and he takes knowledge to mean mere knowledge derived from books, &c. Arguna Misra has a different reading for vain, which he interprets to mean wish for fruit.' • See Sanatsugâtîya, p. 162.
I. e. pure and straightforward conduct in the performance of whatever is done for attaining final emancipation.
• Of other people from sorrow, Arguna Nisra. • The state of being unconcerned, udasina, Nilakanila. • Cr. Gitâ, p. 6o, inter alia.
• Arguna Misra understands the original bere to mean 'nur being under the control of another.'
• I.e. the source of the Vedas, according to Nilakanika. The supreme is called Brahmayoni, the original word here, at Svela.
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