XLVIII, 6-12.
to torment the hypocrites, men and women, and the idolaters, men and women, who think evil thoughts of God;-over them is a turn of evil fortune, and God will be wrath with them and curse them, and has prepared for them hell, and an evil journey shall it be!
God's are the hosts of the heavens and the earth, and God is mighty, wise !
Verily, we have sent thee as a witness, and a herald of glad tidings, and a warner ;—that ye may believe in God and His Apostle, and may aid Him and revere Him and celebrate His praises morning and evening!
[10] Verily, those who swear allegiance to thee do but swear allegiance to God ;-God's hand is above their hands! and whoso perjures himself does but perjure himself against himself; but he who fulfils what he has covenanted with God, God shall bring him mighty hire.
The desert Arabs who were left behind shall say, Our wealth and our people occupied us; ask pardon then for us!'--they speak with their tongues what is not in their hearts !
Say, 'Who can control for you aught from God, if He wish you harm or wish you advantage ?' Nay, God of what ye do is well aware!
Nay, ye thought that the Apostle and the believers would not ever return again to their families; that was made seemly in your hearts ! and ye thought evil thoughts, and ye were a corrupt people.
1 Alluding to certain tribes who held aloof from the expedition of 'Hudaibîyeh.
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