L, 15-30.
soul whispers ; for we are nigher to him than his jugular vein!
When the two meeters meet?, sitting the one on the right and the other on the left, not a word does he utter, but a watcher is by him ready!
And the agony of death shall come in truth ! that is what thou didst shun!'
And the trumpet shall be blown!—that is the threatened day!
[20] And every soul shall come—with it a driver and a witness !
Thou wert heedless of this, and we withdrew thy veil from thee, and to-day is thine eyesight keen?!'
And his mate shall say, 'This is what is ready for me (to attest).
Throw into hell every stubborn misbelievers! who forbids good, a transgressor, a doubter! [25] who sets other gods with God and throw him, ye twain, into fierce torment!'
His mate shall say, 'Our Lord! I seduced him not, but he was in a remote error.'
He shall say, 'Wrangle not before me; for I sent the threat to you before. The sentence is not changed with me, nor am I unjust to my servants.
On the day we will say to hell, ‘Art thou full ?' and it will say, 'Are there any more ?'
[30] And Paradise shall be brought near to the pious,-not far off.
* The two recording angels, who accompany every man and note down his every word and action.
· These words are supposed to be addressed by the driver' to the unbelieving soul. 8 These words are spoken by God.