XXX, 29-39.
'Hanif, according to the constitution whereon God has constituted men ; there is no altering the creation of God, that is the standard religion, though most men do not know.
[30] Turn repentant towards Him; and fear Him, and be steadfast in prayer; and be not of the idolaters.
Of those who have divided their religion and become sects, every party in what they have, rejoice.
And when distress touches men they call upon. their Lord, repentant towards Him; then when He has made them taste mercy from Himself, behold! a party of them associate others with their Lord, that they may disbelieve in what we have brought them ;—but enjoy yourselves; for hereafter ye shall know !
Or have we sent down to them authority which speaks of what they do associate with Him ?
[35] And when we have made men taste of mercy, they rejoice therein; and if there befall them evil for what their hands have sent before, behold! they are in despair.
Have they not seen that God extends provision to whom He pleases, or doles it out? verily, in that are signs unto a people who believe.
Then give to the kinsman his due, and to the poor and to the wayfarer ; that is better for those who desire the face of God, and these it is who are prosperous.
And what ye put out to usury that it may increase with the wealth of men, it shall not increase with God; but what ye put out in alms, desiring the face of God—these it is who shall gain double.
It is God who created you and then provided for
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