(XLI. Mecca.) In the name of the merciful and compassionate God.
'H. M. A revelation from the merciful, the compassionate; a book whose signs are detailed; an Arabic Qur'ân for a people who do know; a herald of glad tidings and a warning. But most of them turn aside and do not hear, and say, 'Our hearts are veiled from what thou dost call us to, and in our ears is dulness, and between us and thee there is a veil. Act thou ; verily, we are acting too!' [5] Say,
I am but a mortal like yourselves, I am inspired that your God is one God; then go straight to Him, and ask forgiveness of Him; and woe to the idolaters, who give not alms, and in the hereafter disbelieve !'
Verily, those who believe and do right, for them is a hire that is not grudged.
Say, 'What! do ye really misbelieve in Him who created the earth in two days, and do ye make peers for Him ?—that is the Lord of the worlds!'
And He placed thereon' firm mountains above it and blessed it, and apportioned therein its foods in four days alike for those who ask. [10] Then He made for the heaven and it was but smoke, and He said to it and to the earth, 'Come, ye two, whether ye will or no!' They said, 'We come willingly!'
And He decreed them seven heavens in two days, and inspired every heaven with its bidding: and we
1 On the earth.
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