XLII, 9-15.
has made for you from yourselves wives; and of the cattle mates; producing you thereby. There is naught like Him, for He both hears and sees.
[10] His are the keys of the heavens and the earth, He extends provision to whom He will, or doles it out; verily, He knows everything.
He has enjoined upon you for religion what He prescribed to Noah and what we inspired thee with, and what we inspired Abraham and Moses and Jesus,—to be steadfast in religion, and not to part into sects thereinma great thing to the idolaters is that which ye call them to ! God elects for Himself whom He pleases and guides unto Himself him who turns repentant.
But they did not part into sects until after the knowledge had come to them, through mutual envy; and had it not been for thy Lord's word already passed for an appointed time, it would surely have been decided between them; but, verily, those who have been given the Book as an inheritance after them, are in hesitating doubt concerning it.
Wherefore call thou, and go straight on as thou art bidden, and follow not their lusts; and say, 'I believe in the Book which God has sent down; and I am bidden to judge justly between you. God is our Lord and your Lord; we have our works and ye have your works; there is no argument between us and you. God will assemble us together and unto Him the journey is.'
[15] But those who argue about God after it has been assented to ", their arguments shall be rebutted
1 I.e. after the faith of Islam had been accepted by them, or after God had assented to the prophet's prayer and supported the
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