XLI, 21-30.
and ye could not conceal yourselves that your hearing and your eyesight should not be witness against you, nor your skins; but ye thought that God did not know much of what ye do. And that thought of yours which ye thought concerning your Lord has destroyed you, and ye have now become of those who lose!'
And if they are patient, still the fire is a resort for them; and if they ask for favour again, they shall not be taken into favour.
We will allot to them mates?, for they have made seemly to them what was before them and what was behind them; and due against them was the sentence on the nations who passed away before them; both of ginns and of mankind; verily, they were the losers !
[25] Those who misbelieve say, 'Listen not to this Qur'an, but talk foolishly about it, haply ye may gain the upper hand?' But we will make those who misbelieve taste keen torment; and we will recompense them with the worst of that which they have done. That is, the recompence of the enemies of God,—the fire! for them is an eternal abode therein: a recompence for that they did gainsay our signs.
And those who misbelieved say, 'Our Lord, show us those who have led us astray amongst the ginns and mankind; we will place them beneath our feet, and they shall both be amongst those who are put down ! [30] Verily, those who say, 'Our Lord is God,' and then go straight, the angels descend upon them-'fear not and be not grieved, but receive the glad tidings of Paradise which ye were promised;
1 Devils, opposed to the guardian angels of the believers.
2 I.e. interrupt the reading of the Qur'ân by talking, in order to overpower the voice of the reader.
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