. XXXV, 15-25.
call, and if they hear they cannot answer you; and on the resurrection day they will deny your associating them with God; but none can inform thee like the One who is aware.
O ye folk! ye are in need of God; but God, He is independent, praiseworthy.
If He please He will take you off, and will bring a fresh creation ; for that is no hard matter unto God.
And no burdened soul shall bear the burden of another; and if a heavily laden one shall call for its load (to be carried) it shall not be carried for it at all, even though it be a kinsman !-thou canst only warn those who fear their Lord in the unseen and who are steadfast in prayer; and he who is pure is only pure for himself; and unto God the journey is.
[20] The blind is not equal with him who sees, nor the darkness with the night, nor the shade with the hot blast; nor are the living equal with the dead; verily, God causes whom He pleases to hear, and thou canst not make those who are in their graves hear; thou art but a warner !
Verily, we have sent thee in truth a herald of glad tidings and a warner; and there is no nation but its warner has passed away with it.
And if they called thee liar, those before thee called their apostles liars too, who came to them with manifest signs, and the Scriptures, and the illuminating Book.
Then I seized those who misbelieved, and what a change it was!
[25] Dost thou not see that God has sent down from the heaven water, and has brought forth therewith fruits varied in hue, and on the mountains
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