worlds, threefold the gods, threefold the (departments of) knowledge, and threefold the path? The past, the present, and the future; piety, wealth, and lust; the Prana, the Apâna, and the Udâna ; these are the three qualities. And whatever there is in this world, all that is (made of) these three qualities ?. The three qualities—goodness, passion, and darkness also-are always acting unperceived. The creation of the qualities is eternal. Darkness, unperceived, holy, constant, unborn, womb, eternal, nature, change, destruction, Pradhana, production and absorption, not developed, not small, unshaking, immovable, immutable, existent and also non-existentall these, the unperceived, (consisting) of the three qualities, is said to be. These names should be learnt by men who ponder on matters relating to the self. He who understands correctly all the names of the unperceived, and the qualities, and its pure operations, he, freed from the body, understanding the truth about (all) distinctions, and being free from all misery, is released from all qualities.
"See these three mentioned at Khandogya, pp. 340–359. As to departments of knowledge, cf. Gitâ, p. 84; Arguna Misra reads, threefold the Vedas.'
• The universe is all developed from the Prakrii, which is merely the three qualities in equilibrium. Cf. Sankhya-sätra I, 61.
• Because it gives final emancipation to one who discriminates it from Purusha, Arguna Misra. Cf. Sankhya-sQtra II, 1 seq., and Sankhya-karikâ, p. 56 seq., and commentary. For another list of Dames of Prakriti, see Svelasvatara (comm.), p. 283.
Nature is not a development from anything, and hence is called avikriti in Sankhya-kårikå 3; but change' here probably mcans the whole aggregate of Vikriis, 'changes' or developments, which make up Prakriti; or by a different derivation it may, perhaps, also mean that from which all development or change takes place.
. See Sankhya-sätra V, 53-56; and also I, 26, and commentary here. The Vedantins speak of Maya - which answers to what the
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