O beautiful one! The learned sacrificers throwing (in) due (form) the seven offerings into the seven fires in seven ways, produce them in their wombs ? : (namely), that which is to be smelt, that which is to be drunk, that which is to be seen, that which is to be touched, and likewise that which is to be heard, that which is to be thought of, and also that which is to be understood. Earth, air, space, water, and light as the fifth, mind and understanding, these seven, indeed, are named wombs. All the qualities which stand? as offerings are absorbed in the mouth of the fires; and having dwelt within that dwelling are born in their respective wombs. And in that very (principle), which is the generator of all entities, they remain absorbed during (the time on deluge. From that is produced smell ; from that is produced taste; from that is produced colour ; from that touch is produced; from that is produced sound; from that doubt® is produced; from that is produced determination. This is what) they know as the sevenfold production. In this very way was it? comprehended by the ancients. Becoming perfected by the perfect sacrifice , they were perfectly filled with light.
The next clause explains this; that which is to be smelt is carth, and so on throughout. The men who sacrifice all sensuous objects, get such powers that they can create the objects whenever they like. As to in their wombs,'sce Yoga Bhashya, p. 108.
' I.e. are so treated in the above allegory. : I.e. the Brahman. • I.e. when the sacrificer wishes, as stated in note 1. • That principle-viz. the Brahman. • This is the operation of the mind, see Gita, p. 57 note.
I The Brahman, Arguna Misra. Or it may be the sevenfold production.'
• The wholesale sacrifice of all sensuous perceptions. The
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