caution. But if the reasoning is correct, it seems to be certain, that the Anugita belongs to some period prior to the second, and probable, that it belongs to some period prior to the third century, before Christ. For in the second century before Christ was composed the Mahâbhâshya of Patañgali, in which Rahasyas—which is another name for Upanishads are mentioned as forming part of the Vedic literature. And in Åpastamba's Dharma-stras, which are older than Patañgali, Upanishads are mentioned in the same way. I am aware that it may be said, that because Upanishads as a class of works are mentioned by Patañgali and Apastamba, it does not follow that any particular Upanishad, such as the Katha, for instance, also existed at that time. This is quite true. But without going now into the general question, it is sufficient to point out, that our argument here is concerned merely with the recognition of the Upanishads as a class of works forming part of the Vedic canon. Such recognition must have come later than the period at which the Anugită could speak of a passage in the Katha-upanishad as the utterance of Yogavids, or persons who understood the Yoga.
Turning now to the materials available for ascertaining the relative chronological positions of the Anugitá and the rise of Buddhism, we have again to complain of their unsatisfactory character. We will briefly note the two or three circumstances which appear to have a bearing upon this question. In the first place, we have the word Nir. vâna used in one passage of the Anugità in the sense of the highest tranquillity, and there the simile of the ex. tinction of the fire is expressly adduced. On this it may be argued, that is the term Nirvana had become the wellunderstood property of Buddhism, such a use of it as we find here would probably not have occurred. Again, we have the injunction that an ascetic must dwell in a town only for one day and no more, while he may stay at one place during the rains. This is very similar to an injunction prescribed by the Buddhistic teachers also. But
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- - - - - - 1 They are also referred to in the Buddhistic Lalita Vistana, p. 63.
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