creatures dwell. All embodied (selfs), having here performed good or evil (actions), obtain (the fruit). It is here they obtain higher or lower enjoyments by their own actions. And it is those whose actions here are evil, who by their actions go to hell. Harassing is that lower place where men are tormented. Freedom from it is very difficult, and the self should be specially protected from it. Learn from me now the seats in which creatures going up' dwell, and which I shall describe truly. Hearing this, you will learn the highest knowledge, and decision regarding action? All (the worlds in) the forms of stars, and this lunar sphere, and also this solar sphere which shines in the world by its own lustre, know these to be the seats of men who perform meritorious actions. All these, verily, fall down again and again in consequence of the exhaustion of their actions And there, too, in heaven, there are differences of low, high, and middling. Nor, even there, is there satisfaction, (even) after a sight of most magnificent splendour. Thus have I stated to you these seats distinctly. I will after this (proceed to) state to you the production of the fætus. And, Otwice-born one! hear that attentively from me as I state it.
'Cl. on this and lower place,'Gitâ, p. 109; Sankhya Kâriká, 44.
• The readings here are most unsatisfactory. The mcaning of the printed reading adopted above would seem to be, 'decision as 10 what acions should be performed,' &c.
• Cl. Gitá, p. 81, ard Sanatsugaliya, p. 158. Cl. Gità, p. 84.
• Arguna Misra says, 'In heaven=in the next world, low = inferior (?), high = heaven, and middling = the space below the skies (anlariksha).' For the three degrees of enjoyment in heaven, see Yogavisishtha I, 35 seq.
• 'l his is the third of the three seats above referred to.
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