described as a chapter of the Brahma Gita in the Asvamedha Parvan. The numbering of each of these chapters of the Brahma Gîtà is not given in the copy before us—the titles and descriptions of the various chapters being throughout incomplete. Some of the later chapters are described as chapters of the Brahma Gità, and some as chapters of the Brahmana Gita; but this discrepancy is probably to be put to the account of the particular copyist who wrote out the copy used by us. With what is chapter XX in our numbering the Gurusishyasamvâda begins. This MS. omits all reference to any Anugità Parvan, and fails to number the various chapters. Its list of sections agrees with that in the Bombay edition. It bears no date.
So much for what may be described as our primary sources of information on this subject. Let us now glance at the secondary sources. And, first, Nilakantha in commenting on what is, according to his numbering, chapter XV, stanza 43, apparently distinguishes that chapter from what he speaks of as the Brahmana Gità and Gurusishyasamvada, which, as he implies, follow after that chapterthus indicating that he accepted in substance the tradition recorded in the passages we have already set forth, viz. that the first four chapters of our translation form the Anugita, the next fifteen the Brâhmana Gità, and the last seventeen the Gurusishyasamvada. This is also the view of Arguna Misra. At the close of his gloss on chapter IV, he distinctly states that the Anugitå ends at that chapter ; and again at the close of the gloss on chapter XIX, he explicitly says that the Brâhmana Gîtå ends there. He also adds the following interesting observation : ‘The feminine form (Gita, namely) is used in consequence of the word) Upanishad being feminine.' The full title of that part of the Mahabharata would then be, according to this remark of Arguna Mista, 'the L'panishads sung by the Brahmana,' a title parallel to that of the Bhagavadgitâ, 'the Upanishads sung by the Deity. It is to be further remarked, that the last chapter of the Gurusishyasamvada is called in this com. mentary the cighteenth chapter of the Gurusishyasanovada, a fact which seems to indicate that Arguna Misra either
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