LXIII, 12.
to Brahman (or with the Tirthas sacred to the gods and to Pragâpati respectively).
7. Let him wipe his lips twice (with the root of his thumb).
8. Let him touch the cavities (above his navel)', his head, and his breast with water.
9. By water which reaches either their heart, or their throat, or their palate respectively, members of the three twice-born castes are purified each in his turn; a woman and a Sûdra are purified by water which has once touched their palate.
LXIII. 1. In order to obtain wealth and for the sake of security he shall apply to a lord.
2. He must not travel alone; 3. Nor with wicked companions ; 4. Nor with Sudras; 5. Nor with enemies; 6. Nor too early in the morning ; 7. Nor too late in the evening; 8. Nor in the twilight; [9. Nor at noon; 10. Nor near water ;] 11. Nor in too great a hurry; 12. Nor at night;
8. See XXIII, 51. LXIII. 1. M. IV, 33; Gaut. IX, 63. — 2-9. M. IV, 140, 55, 60. - 13-17, 19, 21. M. IV, 67, 131, 57. - 24, 25. M. IV, 78; Y. I, 139; Âpast. II, 8, 20, 11; Gaut. IX, 15. — 26–28. Sânkh. IV, 12, 15; M. IV, 39; Y. I, 133; Gaut. IX, 66. — 40. M. IV, 130. - 41. M. IV, 132. — 42. M. IV, 38; Gaut. IX, 52. — 43. M. IV, 38; Gobh. III, 5, 11.- 46. Asv. III, 9, 6; M. IV, 77; Y. I, 139; Âpast. I, 11, 32, 26; Gaut. IX, 32. — 47. Âpast. I, 11, 32, 27; Gaut. IX, 33. — 49. Gobh. III, 5, 13; Pâr. II, 7, 6; Sânkh. IV, 12, 28.-51. M. IV, 138, 139; Y. I, 117; Apast. II, 5, 11, 5-7; Gaut. VI, 24, 25.
1. 'A lord' (îsvara) means a king or another rich man, in his own country, or in another country. (Nand.) See also Dr. Bühler's note on Gaut. IX, 63, where the same Sûtra occurs.
9, 10. Sūtras 9 and 10 are wanting in Dr. Bühler's MS.
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