Clarendon Press, Oxford.
Calendar of Charters and Rolls preserved in the Bodleian
Library. 1878. 8vo. cloth, il. 11s. 60. Freeman's (E. A.) History of the Norman Conquest of England; its Causes and results. In Six Volumes. 8vo. cloch, 51. 98. 6d.
Vols. I-II together, 3rd edition, 1877. il. 16s. Vol. III, and edition, 1874. il. Is. Vol. IV, 2nd edition, 1875. il. Is. Vol. V, 1876. Il. IS.
Vol. VI. Index. 1879. 8vo. cloth, Ios. 6d. Gascoigne's Theological Dictionary (“Liber Veritatum"):
Selected Passages, illustrating the condition of Church and State, 14031458. With an Introduction by James E. Thorold Rogers, M.P.
Small 4to. cloth, ios. 6d. Lloyd's Prices of Corn in Oxford, 1583-1830. 8vo. sewed, 15. Luttrell's (Narcissus) Diary. A Brief Historical Relation of
State Affairs, 1678-1714. 6 vols. 1857. 8vo. clotb, Il. 45. May's History of the Long Parliament. 1854. 8vo. cloth, 6s. 6d. Rogers's History of Agriculture and Prices in England, A.D.
1259-1793. Vols. I and II (1259-1400). 8vo. cloth, al. 28.
Vols. III and IV in the Press. Sprigg's England's Recovery ; being the History of the Army
under Sir Thomas Fairfax. 1854. 8vo. clotb, 6s. Whitelock's Memorials of English Affairs from 1625 to 1660.
4 vols. 1853. 8vo. clotb, il. 1os. Protests of the Lords, including those which have been
expunged, from 1624 to 1874; with Historical Introductions. Edited
by James E. Thorold Rogers, M.A. 1875. 3 vols. 8vo. clotb, al. 2s. Enactments in Parliament, specially concerning the Universi
ties of Oxford and Cambridge. Collected and arranged by J. Griffiths,
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approved by the Oxford University Commissioners. 1863. 8vo. cloth, 125.- Sold separately (except for Exeter, All Souls, Brasenose, and
Corpus), at Is. each. Statuta Universitatis Oxoniensis. 1880. 8vo. cloth, 55. The Student's Handbook to the University and Colleges
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University of Oxford, &c. Compiled by J. Griffiths, M.A. 1862.
royal 8vo. cloib, 3s. 6d. Catalogue of Oxford Graduates from 1659 to 1850. 1851.
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