spring among the seasons ? ; of cheats, I am the game of dice; I am the glory of the glorious ; I am victory, I am industry, I am the goodness of the good. I am Vasudeva among the descendants of Vrishni', and Arguna among the Pandavas. Among sages also, I am Vyasa *; and among the discerning ones, I am the discerning Usanas. I am the rod of those that restrain, and the policy of those that desire victory. I am silence respecting secrets. I am the knowledge of those that have knowledge. And, O Arguna! I am also that which is the seed of all things. There is nothing movable or immovable which can exist without me. O terror of your foes! there is no end to my divine emanations. Here I have declared the extent of (those) emanations only in part. Whatever thing (there is) of power, or glorious, or splendid, know all that to be produced from portions of my energy. Or rather, O Arguna! what have you to do, knowing all this at large ? I stand supporting all this by (but) a single portion (of myself) •.
Cl. Khåndogya-upanishad, p. 126. Mårgasirsha is NovemberDecember. MadhusQdana says this is the best month, as being neither woo hot nor too cold; but see Schlegel's Bhagavadgitá, ed. Lassen, p. 276.
. One of Krishwa's ancestors. • The compiler of the Vedas.
• The preceptor of the Daityas or demons. A work on politics is ascribed to him
• Making peace, bribing, &c. • Cf. Purusha-sûkta (Muir, Sanskrit Texts, vol. i, p. 9).
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