too, one seeing the self by the self', is pleased in the self; in which one experiences that infinite happiness which transcends the senses, and which can be grasped by the understanding only; and adhering to which, one never swerves from the truth; acquiring which, one thinks no other acquisition higher than it; and adhering to which, one is not shaken off even by great misery; that should be understood to be called devotion in which there is a severance of all connexion with pain. That devotion should be practised with steadiness and with an undesponding heart. Abandoning, without exception, all desires ?, which are produced from fancies, and restraining the whole group of the senses on all sides by the mind onlys, one should by slow steps become quiescent“, with a firm resolve coupled with courage ; and fixing the mind upon the self, should think of nothing. Wherever the active and unsteady mind breaks forth, there one should ever restrain it, and fix it
steadily on the self alone. The highest happiness . comes to such a devotee, whose mind is fully
tranquil, in whom the quality of passion has been suppressed, who is free from sin, and who is become (one with) the Brahman. Thus constantly devoting
his self to abstraction, a devotee, freed from sin, • easily obtains that supreme happiness-contact with
the Brahman". He who has devoted his self to abstraction, by devotion, looking alike on everything, -- - -
- - - "Sees the highest principle by a mind purified by abstraction. ' Cr. Suita Nipata, p. 63.
"Cf. supra, p. 53. • I. c. cease to think of objects of sense. Cr. supra, p. 69.
. 1. c. an undespairing and firm resolution that devotion will be achieved ultimately.
• Cf. Sutla Nipala, p. 106. Assimilation with the Brahman.
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