and Drona and of all the kings of the earth, and said: 'O son of Pritha! look at these assembled Kauravas.' There the son of Prithá saw in both armies, fathers and grandfathers, preceptors, maternal uncles, brothers, sons', grandsons, companions, fathers-in-law, as well as friends. And seeing all those kinsmen standing (there), the son of Kunti was overcome by excessive pity, and spake thus despondingly.
Arguna said : Seeing these kinsmen, 0 Krishna ! standing (here) anxious to engage in battle, my limbs droop down ; my mouth is quite dried up; a tremor comes over my body; and my hairs stand on end; the Gandiva (bow) slips from my hand; my skin burns intensely. I am unable, too, to stand up; my mind whirls round, as it were; O Kesava! I see adverse omens”; and I do not perceive any good (likely to accrue) after killing (my) kinsmen in the battle. I do not wish for victory, O Krishna ! nor sovereignty, nor pleasures: what is sovereignty to us, O Govinda! what enjoyments, and even life ? Even those, for whose sake we desire sovereignty, enjoyments, and pleasures, are standing here for battle, abandoning life and wealth-preceptors, fathers, sons as well as grandfathers, maternal uncles, fathers-in-law, grandsons, brothers-in-law, as also (other) relatives. These I do not wish to kill, though they kill (me), O destroyer of Madhu'! even for the sake of sovereignty over
1 The words in this list include all standing in similar relationships to those directly signified.
. Such as the appearance of vultures, cars moving without horses, &c., mentioned in the Bhishma Parvan 11,17. CP.Sutta Nipata, p. 100.
"A demon of this name.
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