LXXXV, 24.
Mahậgangâ; 24. And at Trihalikâgrâma; 25. And at Kumâradhârâ; 26. And at Prabhâsa; 27. And particularly anywhere on (the bank of the Sarasvati;
28. At Gangadvâra (Haridvâr), at Prayaga (Allahabad), where the Gangå falls into the ocean, constantly in the Naimisha forest, and especially at Benares;
29. And at Agastyasrama; 30. And at Kanvâsrama (on the Malini river); 31. And on the Kausiki (Kosi river);
32. And on the bank of the Sarayů (Surju river . in Oudh);
33. And on the confluence of the Sona (Sone) and Gyotishà rivers ;
34. And on the Sriparvata (mountain); (Nand.), which takes its rise in the Himalayas and falls into the Ganges.
24. Trihalikâgrâma means Salagrâma. There is another reading, Tandulikâsrama.' (Nand.)
25. This is the name of a lake in Kasmîr, which the god Kumâra by a mighty stroke caused to stream forth from the Krauňka mountain (see Vâyu-purâna); or Kumâradhârâ is situated near the southern ocean in the plain of Ishupâta. (Nand.)
26. Prabhâsa is the name of a Tîrtha near Dvâraka, on the western point of Kattivar. (Nand.)
27. Regarding the river Sarasvati and its reputed holiness, see particularly Cunningham, Ancient Geography of India, I, 331 seq., and Manu II, 17.
28. The Naimisha forest is in the northern country. (Nand.)
29. Agastyasrama is situated near Pushkara (Sätra I), on the bank of the Sarasvati. There is another Agastyâsrama in the south, near Svâmisthâna.' (Nand.)
33. The confluence of those two rivers is in the centre of the Vindhya range. For the name of the second, another reading is Gyotîratha. (Nand.)
34. The Sriparvata or Srîsaila, where the Mallikârguna (symbol of Siva) is worshipped, is in the Dekhan. (Nand.)
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