XC, 3.
3. If on the full moon day of the month Pausha the moon enters the lunar asterism Pushya, he must rub over his body with a dough prepared with white mustard-seeds, anoint himself with a kumbhal of clarified butter made of cow-milk, wash himself with (water and with) all sorts of medicinal herbs, all sorts of perfumes, and all sorts of seeds, wash (an image of) Bhagavat Vasudeva (Vishnu) with clarified butter, and worship him with perfumes, flowers, incense, with a lamp, with eatables, and the like 2, offer an oblation in the fire with Mantras tending to the praise of Vishnu (such as Rig-veda I, 22, 17, and others), Mantras tending to the praise of Indra (such as Rig-veda VI, 47, 11, and others), Mantras tending to the praise of Brihaspati (such as Rigveda II, 23, 15, and others, and with one Mantra tending to the praise of Agni Svishtakrit), and cause three Brâhmanas to pronounce the benediction, after having bestowed clarified butter and gold upon them?
4. To the priest (who has performed the burntoblation for him) he must give a pair of garments.
5. By (performing) this rite he obtains prosperity (pushyate).
6. If on the full moon day in the month Magha the moon enters the lunar asterism Magha and he performs a Sraddha with sesamum on that day, he is purified.
3. See V, 12, note. - 3. And the like' means 'betel.' (Nand.) - 3 The rite described in this Satra appears to be identical with the ceremony called Yugâdya, 'the beginning of the present age of the world,' in later works. See Wilson, On the Religious Festivals of the Hindus, in the Royal Asiatic Society's Journal, IX, 89.
5. This is a play upon words. See LXXVIII, 8, note, and below, Sûtra 9; XCII, 14, &c.
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