strewed (Kusa grass) all around, and sprinkled (the latter) with water all around, he must take out of all dishes the uppermost part and offer it:
2. To Vasudeva, to Sankarshana, to Pradyumna, to Aniruddha, to Purusha, to Satya, to Akyuta, to Vasudeva.
3. Afterwards (he must offer twelve burnt-oblations) to Agni, to Soma, to Mitra, to Varuna, to Indra, to Indra and Agni united, to the Visvedevâs, to Pragâpati, to Anumati, to Dhanvantari, to Vâstoshpati, and to Agni Svishtakrit (the god of the fire who causes the proper performance of the sacrifice).
4. Then let him make a Bali-offering with that which has been left of the dishes.
5. To (the serpent demons) Taksha and Upataksha,
6. (Strewing the two Balis) on both sides of the fire, to the east of it (on the north-eastern side first, and on the south-eastern side afterwards).
14; M. III, 84-94; Y. II, 103-108; Âpast. II, 2, 3; II, 2, 4, 1-13; Gaut. V, 10-18. - 33-46. Äsv. I, 24; Gobh. IV, 10; Pâr. II, 9, 12-16; I, 3; Sankh. II, 15-17; M. III, 99, 100, 102, 103, III118; Y. I, 107-113; Âpast. II, 2, 4, 11-20; II, 3 ; II, 4; Gaut. V, 21-45. Regarding the parallel passages of the Kathaka and Mânava Grihya-sûtras, see the Introduction. This chapter treats of the Vaisvadeva sacrifice. (Nand.)
1. Nand. infers from a text of Saunaka, that the particle atha points to the recitation of the Purushasûkta as an initiatory ceremony.
2. Regarding this Satra, see the Introduction. The oblations to be offered are eight in number, one for each invocation.
3. Devapåla, in his Commentary on the corresponding section of the Kathaka Grihya-sûtra, states that the deities to whom burntoblations are offered (Sūtra 3) shall be invoked with the word svâhâ, 'haill' and those for whom Bali-offerings are strewed upon the ground, with the word namah, 'adoration.'
6-8. These three Sûtras have been translated in accordance
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