LVI, 15.
2. By muttering them, or reciting them at a burnt-oblation, the twice-born are purified from their sins. (They are as follows :)
3. The Aghamarshana; 4. The Devakrita ; 5. The Suddhavatîs; 6. The Taratsamandiya; 7. The Kushmândis; 8. The Pâvamânis; 9. The Durgâsâvitrî; 10. The Atishangas; 11. The Padastobhas; 12. The Vyâhriti Sâmans; 13. The Bhârundas; 14. The Kandrasâman; 15. The
3. Rig-veda X, 190, 1. (This and the following references are based upon Nand.'s statements.)
4. Vâgasaneyi Samhita VIII, 13. 5. Rig-veda VIII, 84, 7-9. 6. Rig-veda IX, 58. 7. Vâgas. Samh. XX, 14-16 (Taitt. Arany. X, 3-5).
8. The term Pâvamânyah in its most common use denotes the ninth book of the Rig-veda, but Nand. here refers it to Taitt. Brâhm. I, 4, 8.
9. Rig-veda I, 99, 1.
10. Sâma-veda II, 47-49. Regarding this and the following Sâmans see also Benfey, Ind. Stud. III, 199 seq., Burnell's Index to the Arsheya Brâhmana, and S. Goldschmidt's remarks in his edition of the Aranyaka Samhita, Transactions of the Berlin Academy, 1868, P. 246 seq.
II. Sâma-veda II, 578-580.
12. The Vyâhriti Sâmans, i.e. bhūh and the four others.' (Nand.) The four others are, bhuvah, svah, satyam, purushah. See Ühyagâna III, 2, 10, in Satyavrata Sâmâsrami's edition of the Sâmaveda Samhita.
13. 'Bhârunda is the name of certain Sâmans, twenty-one in number, which begin with the words, yat te krishnah sakuna (Rig-veda X, 16, 6). They are contained in the Aranyagana.' (Nand.) The reading of the last word is doubtful. At all events, the verse quoted by Nand. does not occur in the Aranyagana. It may be that the Sâmans called Ekavimsatyanugâna are meant, which are found in that work, though they do not contain the verse referred to.
14. Sama-veda I, 147.
15. Aranyaka Samhitâ IV, 33, 34, in Goldschmidt's edition,= Rig-veda X, 90, 1, 4.
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