Book Title: Sapta Bhashi Atmasiddhi
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Pratapkumar J Toliiya, Sumitra Tolia
Publisher: Jina Bharati Bangalore
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सप्तभाषी आत्मसिद्धि
detachment and craving for knowledge.
After contacts of several saints, Vimalajee was in close contacts of Dada Dharmadhikari, Acharya Vinoba Bhave, Jai Prakash Narain, Sangit Martand Pandit Omkarnath Thakur and SRIJ.KRISHNAMURTI.
Socially the Philosophy of J.P.'s Total Revolution and Philosophically that of Sri. J.KRISHNAMURTI and SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI are nicely interwoven in her personality. A rare seeker and speaker of high stature, Vimalaji has moved the hearts of both, the "masses" and the "classes"!.
Out of her respects and special studies, she gave Paryushana Discourses for Eight Days on SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI at Mt. Abu before several years, which have now come out under the title "Yoga of Silence" APRAMADA YOGA, which are unique and worth studying by all the studious persons of Srimadji's Literature.
After long acquaintances with her in the past and particularly after Voyage with her at IDAR and after her return thereafter from foreign countries, we had planned to bring out SELECTED WORKS OF SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI and other pieces of literature, which all are to come out now after a lapse of all these years. Her concern for these all is narrated in Editorial here as well as in VOYAGE WITHIN WITH VIMALAJI by the author of these lines. Also produced here separately is her valuable tribute to Srimadji and Atmasiddhi.
Out of her several works, some of the remarkable ones are: ON AN ETERNAL VOYAGE (with J.K.), PILGRIMAGE WITHIN, Paryushana Prasadi etc.
Acharya Gurdial Mallik
This rare silent Saint, who kept mum with his Masters Tagore and Gandhiji for twenty long years was a rare saint of this time, originally hailing from N.W. Frontier and settling at Santiniketan. Author of some rare books like "DIVINE DWELLERS IN THE DESERT" "HOUND OF THE HEART" and "GURUDEV KE SATH" etc; Mallikji had very high respects and devotion for SRIMAD RAJCHANDRAJI and was getting moved by listening to the devotional songs of Srimadji, being a good ecstatic singer himself.
Gems from Srimad Rajachandraji...
Jain Education International 2010_04
Brahmachari Gowrdhandasji
Inmate and grace-acquiring Graduate of olden days, Brahmachariji was fortunate to have Prabhushri Laghurajji's shelter. He gave deeper meanings in his translations of Srimadji as one we find here from ATMASIDDHI. An enlightened soul as a philosophical authority on Srimad Rajchandraji, he has to his credit original writings like 'Srimad Rajchandra Jeevan Kala', 'Life of Parampoojya Prabhushriji', 'Mokshamala Praveshika' and commentaries on 'Panchastikaya', 'Tattwartha Sutra', 'Dash Vaikalik Sutra' and 'Brihad Dravya Sangraha' among others.
Pandit Bechardas Doshi
Another Great Jain Gandhian Scholar Pt. Bechardasji needs detailed article to record his contributions. Out of his high respects, he has rendered very meaningful and worth singing Sanskrit version of Atmasiddhi here. Salutations unto him. His Jainological works and editings along with Pt. Sukhlalji, Muni Jinavijayji, etc., at Gujarat Vidyapeeth, Ahmedabad will remain a great treasure for posterity.
Dr. A. N. Upadhye
When I used to meet him frequently when he was at Mysore University heading Department of Jainology over there, I saw in him not only a great Scholar, but also an ardent devotee of Jain Faith. Out of great respect for Srimadji's works, he prepared Kannada Translation of Atmasiddhi.
This Kannada translation of Dr. Upadhye is in prose and has been carefully and strenuously revised, re-edited and abridged with great dedication by Dr. M. A. Jayachandra, Principal, Maharani's Arts College, Bangalore. It is placed completely in the Appendix, after septi-lingual Shlokas' 142 pages. What is parallelly produced along with other language Shlokas in Kannada, is only Kannada script transliteration of original Gujarati shlokas.
Bhawarlalji Nahata
Disciple of Sahajanandghanji and author of several works has especially prepared the apt Bengali translation. His works are in abundance in Hindi, some in Sanskrit and also one in ancient Prakrit, 'Sahajanand Chariyam' (Biography of Shri Sahajanandghanji).
I am the Self
"Neither am I in the form of body - the physical frame, nor body, wife, son etc. are mine. I am the absolute conscious form of pure self only. Infatuation and hatred could be abolished by contemplating on this thought!"
Srimad Rajchandraji
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