Book Title: Sapta Bhashi Atmasiddhi
Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Pratapkumar J Toliiya, Sumitra Tolia
Publisher: Jina Bharati Bangalore
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(७) सप्तभाषी आत्मसिद्धि
Sri Atmasiddhi Shastra (English version of the recorded Hindi commentary of LP and CD of Atmasiddhi)
"Aum Namo Arihantanam, Namo Siddhanam, Namo Ayariyanam
Namo Uvajjhayanam, Namo loe Savva Sahunam
Eso pancha namukkaro, Savva Pavappanasano
Mangalanam cha Savvesim, Padhaman Havai Mangalam" The prostrations unto the five Paramgurus (Supreme Masters) expressed in this Pancha Parmeshthi Namokar Mantra are offered to their 'Sat-chit-anand Shuddha buddha chaitanya swaroopa, Sahajatma Swaroopa'. The form of their sublime beings composed of Truth, Consciousness and Joy, the pure, awakened spiritual form, absolutely natural form of the Self! To get inclined towards one's own purest form of the Self and to acquire this Self in totality and integration through this Mahamantra, there arose a voice:
"Sahajatma Swaroopa Paramguru.... Sahajatma Swaroopa Paramguru.....
Sahajatma Swaroopa Paramguru....." The quest and achievement of the self through the seeking of this great Mantra is only possible by trekking the jewel-shining path of Jnana (Knowledge), Darshana (Cognition) and Charitra (Conduct). Numerous jewel-like great souls of this jewels-possessing-earth, have searched the entity of the Self in this beginningless and endless flow of this jewels-shining path of aforesaid Ratnatraya - the three jewels. Their resounding echoes are prevailing on this earth even now. The one, whose Self-bestowing eternal Creation is being presented here, was also one such fortunate traveller of the path of Self Realisation, a jewel of Mother Maha Divya Devbai:
"Mahadivya Kushiratnam, Shabdajeet Ravatmajam;
Rajchandram aham vande, tattwa lochan dayakam.." Such a jewel-like soul's creation is this presentation - the supermost jewel of this Universe, the nectar of this earth ...! This simple, lucid, precise, small but great creation of the Atmasiddhi is presented by this Great Author after realising his infinitely powerful soul, for the benefit of the worthy self-seeker to enable him also to realise his own soul. Out of the 14 poorvas, the ocean of Jain philosophy is Atma Pravada, the 7th middle one. The Atmasiddhi is the abridged form of this Atma Pravada, which was composed on one evening amidst the enlightened mood of Self Realisation, in one sitting, in a constant and instant spontaneous overflow in the light of the shining Self of the Great Author - Creator. It contains the prime theme of the Self's existence, eternity, doership-enjoyership, experience, liberation and path to liberation. The author of this supremely and eternally obliging creation is Srimad Rajchandraji - the Supreme Yugpurusha of this age and Spiritual Guru of Mahatma Gandhiji. The object of creation of this Great work is specified by Srimad Rajchandraji himself in these words: "The soul is diminished down for infinite times for sake of the body! Now if the body is reduced and diminished even for once, it will repay for several births of Self-destruction, self-destroyal and diminishing ..." Presented here is this great creation of such a great object - Sri Atmasiddhi Shastra! Note: What appears against the Kannada section of each of the 142 leaves is only a transliteration. An exclusive translation in Kannada prose is presented from page 143 onwards.
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