Samvatsari Pratikramana
I shall now engross myself in meditation in a completely motionless yoga posture (Käyotsarga) for a specified duration. I will remain motionless except for breathing in and out, coughing, sneezing, yawning, belching, involuntarily losing balance, vomiting, fainting, subtle flickering movements of the eyes and other involuntary bodily movements. I shall perform meditation and keep myself (my soul) away from all sinful activities by keeping my body motionless and by observing complete silence. At the conclusion of meditation, I will complete the Käyotsarga by offering salutation to Arihants.
Observe kausagga of 'Atichaar ni gaatha' or eight navkar. Then
recite one Logassa.
Atichar ni Gatha
Description and confession of five ethical codes of conduct: right knowledge, right
faith, right conduct, right penance and spiritual strength
Nānammi dansanammi a, Il
charanammi tavammi M y taha ya virayammi,
Ayaranam āyaro, ih eso panchahā bhanio. (1)
Achar means behaviour. According to Jain Shastras there are five types of proper behaviour gyānachar (the practice of attaining proper knowledge), darshanāchar (practice of attaining proper faith), chăritrachär (practice of performing proper conduct),tapāchar (practice of performing proper austerities), and viryāchār (practice of developing courage and conviction). (1)