Samvatsari Pratikramana
time to relieve pacchakkhan eg: Bahupadipunna Porisi is recited by the sadhu bhagwants at the time of inspection of their utensils), Mahattarakaar (anything that is a cause of big eradication/shedding of karmas) and Sarva-samadhi-aagaar (if mental stability cannot be maintained under any circumstances). Accept to give up with the above 6 exceptions (I accept).
Purimaddh and Avaddha Pacchakkhan- Sutra with meanings Sure Uggae, purimaddha, avaddha muththi-sahiyam
pachchakkhai (pachchakkhami), chauvviham pi aaharam, asanam, paanam,
khaimam, saaimam, annaththana-bhogenam, sahasa-garenam,
pachchhanna-kalenam, disa-mohenam, sahu-vayanenam, mahattara-garenam, savva-samahi-vattiya
garenam, vosirai (vosirami)
With folded fist, one accepts the vow to give up all 4 types of food until 2 prahar (6 hours) after sunrise for Purimaddh and until 3 prahar for Avaddha (I accept). Herein the 4 types of food are: Ashan (the kind of food capable of eliminating one's hunger such as rice, etc.), Paan (drinking water, other liquids/drinks, flavored drinks, etc.), Khaadim (roasted grains, dry fruits, fruits, etc.) and Swadim (medicines, mouth fresheners, etc.)
This vow is accepted with the 6 exceptions (aagaar) of: Anabhog (when one puts something in the mouth unintentionally and by mistake), Sahsaatkaar (when something suddenly enters