Samvatsari Pratikramana
sasitthen vaa, asitthen vaa, vosirai (vosirami)
Accept the vow to not eat 3 types of food from sunrise to next day's sunrise (the one who has done ekasnu on the day prior to the upvas and will do ekasnu on the day after the upvas must say "choth-abbhattatha") (I accept).
The 3 types of food are: Ashan (the kind of food capable of eliminating one's hunger such as rice, etc.), Khaadim (roasted grains, dry fruits, fruits, etc.) and Swadim (medicines, mouth fresheners, etc.).
This vow is accepted with the exceptions (aagaar) of: Anabhog (when one puts something in the mouth unintentionally and by mistake), Sahsaatkaar (when something suddenly enters the mouth), Parishthapnikakar (if food accepted after following proper rites turns needs to be thrown away (parthava yogya), it can still be consumed if Guru bhagwant commands so), Mahattarakaar (anything that is a cause of big eradication/shedding of karmas) and Sarva-samadhi-aagaar (if mental stability cannot be maintained under any circumstances). Accept to give up with the above 4 exceptions (I accept).
With folded fist accept to consume water after 1 prahar (Porisi), 1.5 prahar (Saadh Porisi), with the exceptions of: Anabhog (when one puts something in the mouth unintentionally and by mistake), Sahsaatkaar (when something suddenly enters the mouth), Pracchnnakaal (not being able to gauge the right time due to over cast/cloudy skies), Digmoh (being disoriented or confused about directions), Sadhu-vachan (by hearing words of the Sadhu bhagwant if one assumes that it is time to relieve pacchakkhan eg: Bahupadipunna Porisi is recited