Samvatsari Pratikramana
the mouth), Pracchnnakaal (not being able to gauge the right time due to over cast/cloudy skies), Digmoh (being disoriented or confused about directions), Sadhu-vachan (by hearing words of the Sadhu bhagwant if one assumes that it is time to relieve pacchakkhan eg: Bahupadipunna Porisi is recited by the sadhu bhagwants at the time of inspection of their utensils), Mahattarakaar (anything that is a cause of big eradication/shedding of karmas) and Sarva-samadhi-aagaar (if mental stability cannot be maintained under any circumstances). Accept to give up with the above 6 exceptions (I accept). Ekasnu, Biyasnu, Ekalthanu, Pacchakkhan-Sutra with meanings: Uggae Sure, namukkar-sahiyam, porisim,
saddhaporisim muththi-sahiyam pachchakkhai (pachchakkhami), chauvviham pi aaharam, asanam, paanam,
khaimam, saaimam, annaththana-bhogenam, sahasa-garenam,
pachchhanna-kalenam, disa-mohenam, sahu-vayanenam, mahattara-garenam, savva-samahi-vattiya
garenam, vosirai (vosirami) vighaio pachchakkhai. Annaththana-bhogenam, sahasa-garenam, levalevenam, gihatthasansaththenam, ukkhitta-vivegenam,