Samvatsari Pratikramana
time to relieve pacchakkhan eg: Bahupadipunna Porisi is recited by the sadhu bhagwants at the time of inspection of their utensils), Mahattarakaar (anything that is a cause of big eradication/shedding of karmas) and Sarva-samadhi-aagaar (if mental stability cannot be maintained under any circumstances).
Accept to give up with the above 6 exceptions (I accept). Anabhog (when one puts something in the mouth unintentionally and by mistake), Sahsaatkaar (when something suddenly enters the mouth), Lepalep (this is an exception for sadhu bhagwants in their ayambil or nivi: when accepting food from a utensil that was filled with some other food and then wiped off leaving some traces), Gruhasta-sansrushta (this is also an exception for the sadhu bhagwants in ayambil, nivi: when accepting food offered to them was made for the householders with addition of some vegetables or ghee/oil), Utkshipt-vivek (this is also an exception for the sadhu bhagwants in ayambil, nivi: when accepting food like vegetables or a stack of rotis previously kept upon a stack of rotis on which ghee (vigai) was applied and then separately kept), Pratitya-mrakshit (this is also an exception for the sadhu bhagwants: when accepting rotis made out of dough kneaded with fingers dipped in ghee- this is an acceptable exception for nivi or when giving up vigai; however it is not acceptable when doing ayambil), Parishthapnikakar (if food accepted after following proper rites turns needs to be thrown away (parthava yogya), it can still be consumed if Guru bhagwant commands so), Mahattarakaar (anything that is a cause of big eradication/shedding of karmas) and Sarva-samadhi-pratyaakaar (if mental stability cannot be maintained under any circumstances. Accept to give up with the above exceptions (I accept).