Samvatsari Pratikramana
Ikko vi namukkäro, jinavara-vasahassa
vaddhamänassa Sansära-sägaräo, tärei naram va närim vä. (3)
Paying obeisance to the presiding Lord of Shri Girnarji shrine, Lord Neminath Ujjinta-sela-sihare, dikkhä nänam nisihiä jassa. Tam dhamma-chakkavattim, arittha-nemim
namamsämi. (4)
Devotional eulogy of Ashtapad and Nandishwar shrines Chattäri attha dasa doya, vandiyä jinavarä
chauvvisam. Paramattha-nitthi-atthä, siddhä siddhim mama
disantu. (5)
I pay homage to all the Siddhas, the enlightened ones who have crossed the ocean of worldly existence, who have attained salvation by following the fourteen stages (Gunasthan) of spiritual development in an orderly fashion and who have reached the summit of the Universe. (1) I pay my respect by bowing down my head to Lord Mahāvira, who is the god of gods, to whom gods bow down with folded hands and who is worshipped by Indras. (2) Even salutation done perfectly to Vardhamān Mahāvira, will carry a man or a woman across the ocean of worldly existence. (3) I worship Arishtanemi, the all-knowing monarch, who received