Samvatsari Pratikramana
Observe kausagga of one Navakar for prayers of the deities of the region. Paying obeisance to the highly venerable five-fold hierarchy
Namo Arihantānam. S Namo Siddhānam. Namo Ayariyānam. Namo Uvajjhāyānam.
Namo loe savva-Sāhunam. Eso pancha-namukkāro, Savva-pāva-ppanāsano; Mangalānam cha savvesim, Padhamam havai
mangalam. (1)
I bow to the Arihantas (Tirthankars), I bow to the Siddhas or liberated souls, I bow to the Acharyas, who head the order, I bow to the Upadhyays, who are the religious scholars and guides of the scriptures. I bow to all ascetics who strictly follow the five great vows of conduct and inspire us to live a simple life. True bowing to these five types of great souls, help remove all sins and create auspiciousness of the most supreme ovder.
Paying obeisance to the highly venerable five-fold hierarchy Namorhat-siddhā-chāryopādhyāya
sarva-sādhubhyah. (1)
I am bowing down to Arihant Bhagawān, Siddha Bhagawān, Ächārya Mahārāj, Upādhyāy Mahārāj, and all Sādhu and Sādhvi Mahārāj. (1)
O deities of the region, bless peace and bliss to sadhus who are se na engrossed in their spiritual journey in your region.
Yasyäha ksetram samäsritya, Mb sädhubhihi sädhyate kriyä.