N. M
The Seventh Pata treats the Taddhitas. :. The Eighth Pala continues the topic of the Tiddhitas.
In the Third Adhvā a, the Ninth and the Tenth Palas deal with the Shisikas, and the topic is continued in the Eleventh Pada.
The Twelfth Pă la treats the verbal derivatives, and enumerates the Dhātus.
In the Fourth dhrāva, the Thirteenth Pada discusses the conjugation of the verbs and the Kțdantas. - The Fourteenth Pa la continues the conjugation of verbs in Aorist, Desiderative, Frequentative, and etc,
With the close of this last Pāla, the work ends and is followed by the verses which give the preceptorial geneology of the author, his name, th: title and the date of the work, as also it ex eat in terms of Anus fubh verses,
.: Stvi stically, the work consists of Sūtras and verses and the autocommentary on both of them,
1. PRC. XIX. 5-7. 2. ibid..xix. 9-13. 3. ibid..XIX.16-17. 4. ibid., XIX. 21-22. 5. ibid., XIX 26-28. 6. ibid., XIX. ?7-30, 33-37. 7. ibid., XIX. 38-42. 8. ibid.,XIX.44-45. 9. ibid..XIX. 48. 10. ibid., XIX. 49.
11. ibid., XIX. 59-60. 12. ibid., XIX. 50-51. 13. ibid.,XIX. 52-58. 14. ibid.,XIX. 63-64. 15. ibid., XIX. 66-68. 16. ibid.,XIX. 71-77. 17. ibid., XIX. 80. 18. ibid.,XX. 81. 19. ibid..XIX. 82-88. 20. ibid.,XIX 89.
21. Abhayadevasari - Pan. Vr. folio 301 (b), Concluding vss. 2-4:
शिष्योऽभवत्तस्य जिनेश्वगख्यः सूरिः कृतानिद्यविचित्रशास्त्रः ।। सदा निगलम्चबिहारवर्ती चन्द्र'पश्चन्द्र कुलाम्बरस्य ॥२॥ अन्योऽपि वित्तो भुवि बुद्भिसागरः पाण्डित्यचारित्र्यगुणेर उपमः । शब्दादिलश्यप्रतिदकानघग्रन्थप्रणेना प्रवरः क्षमावनाम् ।।३।। तयोरिमां शिष्यवास्य वाक्याद् वृत्ति व्यधात् श्रीजिनचन्द्रसूरेः ।
शिपस्तयोरेव विमुग्धबुद्धिग्रन्थार्थ बांधेऽभयदेवसूरिः ॥४॥ 22. Op.cit., vs. 7:
चतुरधिकविंशतियुते वर्षसहस्र शते च सिद्धेयम् । धवलकपुरे वसतो पनपत्योबकुलचन्द्रिकयोः ॥७॥
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