N M. Kansara favourite elephant, carried him to the Ekaśmga region, 89 rhus, Harivahana walted for Gandharvaka for about four months, so and travelled in ble domains for about two months, before he was carried away by the mad clephant,
After the disappearance of Harivahana, Samaraketu travelled to the north of Laubitya mountain, and passed through the Vindhya forest and, at the end of six months, arrived at Mount Ekaśmga and met Harivāhana again. The month of Margasaha passed when he was on his way, *1 Harivahana ceremoniously entered the Vidyadhara city of Gagapavailabba and was coronated as the Emperor of the Vidyadharas on the same day on which Samaraketu arrived and met him on Mount Ekaśrriga ? And prior to that, Harivabapa propitiated the mystic Vidyas for six months. This roughly colocides with the time just after his being kidnapped by the flying clephant and bis arrival at Ekanga During the six months of Harivahana's penance, Tilakamanjari was waiting for the expiry of tho period of su months stipulated by her father for searching out the prince! It seems Harivuhana met Tilakamañjari the very next day, was invited by her on the second day, returned to Ayodhya on the third day, returned to Vaitadhya on the fifth day, and started his penance and propitiation of the mystic Vidyas on the sixth day after his arrival to the region for the int time. About a wook may be assumed to have been probably spent by Samaraketa dunag this very perlod 10 waiting for the news about, Hacivana, getting a message from him, and sotting out in search of him, The events move in such a quick succes8100,
By the time Hartvahana met Malayasundari for the first time at the temple on Mount Ekarriga, she was about etghteen years. Thus, about two years seem to have clapsed between the periods when Samaraketa and Harichana saw her for the first times respectively.
It ta, thus very clear that our dovelist-poet skillfully offered an 'authentio' version of reality by compressing the actual action of the TM In period of roughly two years, though by constantly moving the focus back and forth from past to present, he created an illusion of covering an expanse of three births of both the sets of the heroes and the heroines, Here can we claim that Dhanapæla has succeeded in maintaining the Aristotelian 'unity of time, and with the help of the supernatural the unity of place too, though the places of action are situated at, and separated by, thousands of miles from one another. CAUSE AND CONTINGENCY :
Tho novel, in its dealings with human affairs, implicitly acknowledges the place of circumstancial, though not causal, evidence. Questions of Fplevhace are consequently very ambiguous ; what is relevant to a narratiye